Lion and Tiger Programs
Grades K-1
Wayfinding and Navigation
Step into the world of a fictional navigator on Jones Beach. Master the use of a compass and learn to tell time with a sundial. Who knows what treasures your compass may lead you to!
Note: Closed-toe shoes required. This is an outdoor program that may be rescheduled due to inclement weather. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring a water bottle.
Explorers in the Dunes
Learn about shapes and patterns in our grand ecosystem on a walk down to the beach. Create your own seashells after your exploration!
Note: Closed-toe shoes required. This is an outdoor program that may be rescheduled due to inclement weather. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring a water bottle.
Birds in the Dunes
Learn about and count the different birds that call Jones Beach home. Craft a map of the dunes based off of your bird sightings!
Note: Closed-toe shoes required. This is an outdoor program that may be rescheduled due to inclement weather. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring a water bottle.
Friends in the Dunes
Learn about marine animals and prepare a craft to finish at home. Then take a walk by the bay and learn how to protect our ocean friends!
Note: Closed-toe shoes required. This is an outdoor program that may be rescheduled due to inclement weather. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring a water bottle.