Grades 3-5
Wind & Waves (Grades 3-5)
Jones Beach provides abundant examples of energy and energy transfer in nature, such as the thermal energy of the sun and the kinetic energy of the wind and water. Join educators to explore how wind and wave energy affects the shoreline and how the dunes protect against coastal erosion. On a walk to the beachfront, students will learn about the dynamic ecosystem and the services it provides to us on Long Island.
Includes a walk on soft sand
Outdoor program
Tuesdays- Thursdays: maximum 2 classes per trip
Fridays: 2 classes per trip
Discover the Dunes (Grades 3-5)
The dunes on Jones Beach offer a living laboratory to explore biodiversity, shoreline change, and more. In addition to going out in the field to make observations, students will explore an exhibit on how Long Island and barrier islands, like Jones Beach, were formed by natural forces and human engineering. On a walk to the beach, students will learn about the ecosystem that provides habitat and food to hundreds of species of plants and animals.
Includes a walk on soft sand
Outdoor program
Tuesdays- Thursdays: maximum 3 classes per trip
Fridays: 2 classes per trip
Energy Explorers (Grades 3-5)
The Jones Beach Energy & Nature Center is a net-zero building designed to demonstrate how principles of energy conservation, environmental stewardship, and sustainability can be put into practice. Join educators in observing and measuring energy in action around the Jones Beach Energy & Nature Center and enjoy a tour of our state-of-the-art energy-efficient building. Learn about wind energy, environmental design, and renewable energy technologies.
Walk outdoors, wheelchair accessible
Tuesdays- Thursdays: maximum 2 classes per trip
Fridays: 2 classes per trip